The Blood Bank also has an ancillary unit that runs 24 hours with whole blood and components of packed cell , platelet and plasma. IVBB collect blood from voluntary donor and separate it into its various components so they can be used most effectively according to the needs of the patient. Red blood cells carry oxygen, platelets help the blood clot, and plasma has specific proteins that allow proper regulation of coagulation and healing. Although research has yielded drugs that help people’s bone marrow produce new blood cells more rapidly, the body’s response time can still take weeks, thus donated blood remains an important and more immediate life-saving resource.
Red Blood Cells transports oxygen to various organs and helps in exhaling carbon dioxide from body. Red Blood Cells contains protein called Hemoglobin that carries oxygen. Red Blood Cells transfusion is required to increase supply of oxygen to tissues.
IVBB provides Red Blood Cells in Additive Solution. Additive solution preserves and extends shelf life of Red Blood Cells. As compared to Whole Blood and Packed Cells having shelf life of only 35 days, Red Blood Cells in additive solution have shelf life of 42 days. Red Blood Cells in additive solution have less chances of hemolysis during storage and also it helps easy fluidity during transfusion.
Red Blood Cells Hematocrit ranges from 55 – 65% and average hemoglobin per bag 13 – 45 gms. A strict donor acceptance criterion at Ivbb ensures the same. On the other hand a stringent Quality control measure ensures adequate dose, sterility and safety of the blood component.
Red Blood Cells transfusion is required in case of acute blood loss (almost 30% of blood volume). Most frequently required during surgeries. Red Blood Cells are transfused to patients having certain blood disorders like Sickle cell anemia, Thallassemia, aplastic anemia etc.
Red Blood Cells before issuing to patients requires cross match procedure. During Cross matching blood sample of patient is matched with blood sample of Voluntary